It’s time for a full-body challenge! Warm up by marching in place for two to three minutes. Complete one to three sets of each exercise, with eight to 12 repetitions per set. Choose an amount of weight that is challenging but allows you to complete each full set with proper form. Try this workout a few times this week, leaving at least one day of rest in between strength workouts.
Skater Squats
Squat by by bending from the knees and hips, keeping back straight, chest lifted and weight in your heels. Straighten legs to push up to standing, shifting weight into the left leg while lifting your right leg off to the side, toes pointed forward. Place right leg back on the floor (hip-distance apart) and bend knees and hips to squat again, this time lifting the left leg to complete one rep.
Modifications: Hold on to a chair or wall for balance if needed.
Modified Pushups
Get down on yours hands and knees with hands just outside shoulder width and slightly forward of your shoulders. Knees should be directly aligned with the hips. Keep abs tight and spine in a neutral position. Bend your elbows and lower chest to 90 degrees at the elbows, then push up so that your arms are straight, making sure your elbows aren’t completely locked.
Modifications: If you can’t bend the elbows to 90 degrees, go to a comfortable position and work up to it. If getting on the floor is an issue, pushups can be done against a wall. For more of a challenge, do this exercise on your toes instead of knees.
Reverse Lunges
Stand with legs hip-distance apart, toes pointed forward, back straight, hands on hips. Take a big step back with your right leg, keeping upper body as straight as possible. Bend both knees lowering your body and back knee toward the floor. Straighten legs and push off back leg to step forward to complete one rep, then switch to the other leg.
Modifications: Hold on to a chair or wall for balance. Make the knee bend smaller to decrease the intensity. Hold a dumbbell in each hand to increase the intensity.
Triceps Dips
Sit tall on the edge of a sturdy chair or step and wrap your fingertips over the front edge. Place feet on the floor in front of you with knees bent. Lift hips and butt up and slightly forward. Bend elbows about 90 degrees and lower hips toward the floor. (If you feel pain in the shoulders, your elbows are bent too much.) Press up until elbows are straight but not locked.
Modifications: For more of a challenge, straighten the legs in front of you instead of bending the knees.
Bicycle Crunches
Begin by lying on your back, placing your hands behind your ears. Do not put your hands clasped behind your head. Lift your legs in the air and bend your knees so that your legs form a 90 degree angle. Move your legs in a bicycle motion. When your left knee is closer to your body, reach your right elbow to it. When your right knee is closer to your body, reach your left elbow to it.
Modifications: If getting on the floor is difficult, this same movement can be done from a standing position.