And in the true spirit of being a positive force, when you give your time and energy with any of these random acts, you get just as much in return.
Some ideas (in random order of course):
- Keep a variety of foods in the kitchen.
- Make sure you talk to them about other things besides weight loss and fitness.
- Stock kitchen with healthy cookbooks, leaving them where people can find them.
- Get the junk food out of the house.
- Plan an active activity after dinner.
- Make it a habit to play outdoor games together.
- Plan a cooking date.
- Cook at least three times a week for the household.
- If you already cook, cook healthier foods for the family.
- Maintain an upbeat attitude.
- Invite them to take part in a fundraiser that supports something important to all of you.
- Get a physical and urge them to do the same.
- Give “active” gifts, like personal training packages, a bicycle, roller blades, etc.
- Make a bet.
- Use positive language all the time.
- Be straight up and let them know you’re concerned about their health.
- Start a garden that you can work on together.
- Plan a “surprise” hike.
- Suggest walking more than driving.
- Take everyone on a canoe trip.
- Make their exercise a priority. Wash their gym clothes without being asked, do a chore for them so they have time. Make it easy for them.
- Sneak healthy snacks and a friendly note (maybe even a love note) into their lunch, briefcase, jacket pocket or purse.
- Prepare their favorite dish in a healthier way.
- Opt for activities as an excuse to spend time together.
- Ask them to help you stay on track.
- Turn off the TV and hide the remote.
- Give big, positive attention to changes that are made.
- If it’s your turn to pick, choose a healthy restaurant or one that’s within walking distance.